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Zirconia Bonding/Cementation


Preparing for bonding or cementing Zirconia. Questions you need to ask yourself


1.     Are you going to cement or bond

You will bond:

If margins are supragingival,

if retention is required on short abutments or no retention preparation

if you can isolate with rubber dam


You will cement:

If margins are sub gingival

If you cannot place rubber dam



cannot place primer



2. Do you have IDEAL sandblaster in office. YES OR NO (what is ideal sandblaster?)


If YES:          

a. Try in restoration.

b. Adjust high spots on tooth after using dye markers.

c. Clean Zr with lvoclean or ethanol or acetone

d. Sandblast the Zirconia according ideal protocol.

e. Apply primer to Zirconia at least 5minutes before bonding.

f. Etch tooth, apply bonding resin and thin excess adhesive. Light cure

g. Apply resin cement (light cured resin) into Zirconia. (dual cure resin can also be


h. Fit prosthesis and ENSURE constant pressure- Few seconds light cure to stabilize,

   remove excess, and complete light cure.


If NO            

a. Technician to Sandblast and apply primer.

b. Dentist to try in prosthesis.

c. If saliva contaminates Zirconia, clean surface with acetone or ethanol and it is not   necessary  to re prime. Can also clean zirconia with lvoclean but then MUST re apply primer and  wait 5 minutes.

d. Etch tooth, apply bonding resin and thin excess adhesive. Light cure

e. Apply resin cement (light cured resin)into Zirconia. (dual cure resin can also be used)

f. Fit prosthesis and ENSURE constant pressure- Few seconds light cure to stabilize, remove excess, and complete light cure.

Cementation with resin modified glass ionomer cements


(Relyx luting plus, GC Fugi Cem 2,Ultra cem)


If you are to cement with RMGI cements Posterior teeth

1. Can still sandblast the zirconia.

2. DO NOT USE PRIMER with RMGI cement- inhibits bond of RMGI to Zr - the phosphate in MDP contained in primers impede the acidic base function of Glass ionomers

3. Use dentine resin bonding on tooth — increases bond strength by40%


Lithium Disilicates (Emax)

1. For optimum bond of resin cement to restoration: either have lab place silane on your Lidi5

before sending it to you or place silane on restoration BEFORE TRYING IT IN THE MOUTH.

The silane prevents contamination ofLidi5with mouth fluids and debris.

2. Silane is NOT harmed or removed by phosphoric acid, IVOCLEAN, or washing.

3. Do NOT sandblast

4. TWO coats of SILANE — one before trying in restoration in mouth and one just before

cementing the restoration in mouth after cleaning with air/water or IVOCELAN—this

produce highest bond strength.


Sand Blasting instructions

Blast at 2.8 bar (35psi)

Blast at 90 degrees

Blast distance 1-2cm

Blast  20sec only

Blast with 30u -50u particle size. (particles over 125—250u will diminish bond strength)